Join us Sunday, January 19th, for the 2025
MN Dragonfly Society Annual Meeting
and Gathering!
There are two options to join: in-person or on Zoom.
Please follow the steps below to register and join.
1) Register using this form.
- We will use this information for both in-person (to help us assess refreshment & setup needs) and Zoom (to send the meeting link & password).
- Please register by noon on Saturday, January 18th, to ensure we have enough snacks &/or you receive the Zoom link.
- In-person walk-ins will be welcome if space is available.
- You may want to double-check your email as you enter it into the form to ensure you receive the Zoom link (if applicable).
2) If you're joining in-person:
- Meet at Eastman Nature Center (13351 Elm Creek Rd, Maple Grove, MN) and park in the lot.
- Enjoy socializing, presentations, snacks, & the chance to support MDS through our silent auction and merchandise/membership purchases.
- If you register by noon on January 18th, we will send an email with a Zoom link and password, sent that evening or the morning of the event.
- You may want to add to your safe sender list to ensure this email isn't caught by spam filters.
- 12:00 Social time: refreshments, silent auction, & merchandise/membership sales
- 12:30 Business meeting: MDS 2024 overview & Board/bylaw voting
- 1:00 Speaker: Ron Lawrenz- Ode hunting in Minnesota
- 1:45 Break/silent auction
- 2:00 Speaker: Cathy 'Perk' Perkins- Odonate research review
- 2:40 Meeting wrap-up: invitation to 2025 field events & official meeting close
- 3:00 Social time & silent auction
- 3:30 Silent auction close
- 4:00 End of gathering